Home Repair Contractors in My Area

We all have that list of things around the house that need fixing – a leaky faucet, flickering light, scuffed floorboards, chipping paint. We make a mental note and promise ourselves that we’ll get to it this weekend. And then life gets in the way. Eventually that list can pile up into something much bigger than what you can manage on your own, and it’s time to call in the pros.

A good home repair contractor will be licensed and insured. They should also provide a written contract before starting any work and include a description of the work, important dates, material to be used, any schedule of payments that you may have negotiated, charges, guarantees and warranties. Avoid contractors who pressure you for cash payments or change the total price of work that you’ve negotiated. And be particularly wary of contractors who show up unsolicited following natural disasters or storms — these are often called “storm chasers” and can be difficult to track down if the work is performed incorrectly or not completed at all.

What are the Differences Between Home Remodeling and Home Improvement?

Remodeling is more extensive than improving the appearance of a home. It can involve major structural changes, such as expanding a kitchen or redesigning rooms. It can also include less involved projects, such as painting walls or updating flooring. A home improvement contractor can work with you on any of these projects to help improve the functionality and beauty of your house.