Tips for Painting and Home Improvement

Few home improvement projects update a room as dramatically as a fresh coat of paint. It’s a quick fix to brighten up a living or dining room, add an accent wall, or provide touch-ups on ceilings and other surfaces.

Before you pick up a brush or roller, take the time to wash, patch, and sand any walls you plan on painting, says contractor Jay Sanders. That prep work takes more time than painting, but it ensures a smooth, even finish. If you skip this step, imperfections will stand out like sore thumbs.

Always purchase more paint than you think you’ll need. Buying a few extra cans of the same color is better than having to make multiple trips to the store for more supplies in the middle of the project, says contractor George Crew. And don’t forget to save the receipts and check your store’s return policy.

If you’re painting indoors, do the bulk of your work during the day. Natural light streaming through windows will help you see the paint job clearly as it’s happening. If it’s raining or very humid, turn on overhead lighting (LED work lights can be especially helpful), or run a dehumidifier.